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A member registered Sep 24, 2020

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(1 edit)

In the Alpha 1.7 or Alpha 1.8 add things more you know...

i have a joke for her

"Pussy of Death"

Kkkk lol

(1 edit)

Plase in the next update alpha 1.7 add things more

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Like a kiss and...

lol kkk iam just kidding

Play the new version alpha 1.6

continue with the game, I can't wait for the full version of it, this game has potential, thanks for responding.

in the next update she could kiss the character when she attacks him before he dies and give the game over screen, since she loves him, and is also a crazy killer, I think it's a good idea who agrees?

Will you ever give a couple normal things with her, like kissing or something in some future update? in the next update she could kiss the character when she attacks him before he dies and give the game over screen, since she loves him, and is also a crazy killer, I think it's a good idea who agrees?